Summer Program Opportunities

GiGi’s Playhouse Madison is gearing up for another fun summer, full of FREE Program Offerings for ALL ages. Our Summer Session kicks off the week of June 12th and runs through August 18th. We want to make a special call-out to the 7 Group Programs we’ll be offering this summer- including TWO new Programs, and several returning Programs . All Group Programs will run the same time and day each week, and will led by 2-3 trained, energetic and FUN Program Leaders. 

Tuesdays at the Playhouse

  • Leaps and Bounds for Ages 3-5 Years Old
    • Leaps and Bounds is a play-based program for children that focuses on success in preschool and kindergarten. Students will participate in fun and engaging activities that provide opportunities for following routines, small group participation, movement and interaction with their environment.
    • 11:00-12:30 PM every Tuesday | June 13th through August 15th (10 weeks)
  • Friends, Fun & Fitness for TEENS Ages 13-17 Years Old
    • Friends, Fun & Fitness incorporates both exercise and healthy snack preparation. Participants will try different physical activities for the first 30-40 minutes- including yoga/pilates, obstacle courses, fitness stations, or sports-themed games. The last half of class will be preparing a healthy snack together. 
    • 5:30-6:30 PM every Tuesday | June 13th through August 15th (10 weeks)
Leaps and Bounds is a great opportunity for our 3-5 Year Olds to practice following directions, routines, and social group interaction!

Wednesdays at the Playhouse

  • Destination Discovery for Ages 5 Years Old through Adulthood
    • Join us each week for a new theme to explore. Our Volunteers will lead small groups (separated roughly by age) through various activities that support the development of fine motor skills, gross motor skills, social skills and language through purposeful play and peer to peer interaction in a casual and fun setting.
    • 11:00-1:00 PM every Wednesday | June 14th through August 16th (10 weeks)
  • Friends, Fun & Fitness for ADULTS Ages 18+
    • Friends, Fun & Fitness incorporates both physical activity/exercise and healthy snack preparation. Participants will try different physical activities for the first 30-40 minutes- including yoga/pilates, obstacle courses, fitness stations, or sports-themed games. The last half of class will be preparing a healthy snack together. 
    • 5:30-6:30 PM every Wednesday | June 14th through August 16th (10 weeks)
Destination Discovery will have a new theme each week- themes will include: sensory exploration, science, arts & crafts, sports games, board games, and more!

Thursdays at the Playhouse

  • Fantastic Friends for Adults Ages 18+
    • This program is a fun and purposeful social gathering for our adults, their peers, and community. It supports the development of social skills and language through peer-to-peer interaction in a fun and casual setting.
    • 5:30-6:30 PM every Thursday | June 15th through August 17th (10 weeks)
Fantastic Friends fills our Playhouse with so much joy and fun each week!

Fridays at the Playhouse

  • Language, Music n’ Our Peeps (LMNOP) for Ages Birth – 3 Years Old 
    • LMNOP guides families through the learning of basic sign language and other forms of communication while using music, social and sensory play-based activities. 
    • 9:00-10:30 AM every Friday | June 16th through August 18th (10 weeks)
  • Special Olympics Young Athletes (SOYA) for Ages 5-12 Years old
    • This program provides opportunities to develop fine and gross motor skills and hand eye coordination through a variety of play-based games and activities. This program is in partnership with the Special Olympics Organization and is a unique sport-and-play program. Siblings ages 5-12 years old are encouraged to attend!
    • 11:00-12:00 PM every Friday | June 16th through August 4th (8 Weeks)
We celebrated all of our Special Olympics Young Athlete’s participants with an end-of-session celebration last summer!

We have over 50 Volunteers Onboarded and ready to kick off our Summer Programming! In addition to the personal and professional experience these volunteers bring to the Playhouse, all volunteers are subject to background checks and receive specialized program training through the GiGi’s Playhouse National Organization. All Group Programs are drop-in based this summer. Register here for the days that will work for you, and we’ll see you at the Playhouse! 

Cheers to Summer Fun at GiGi’s Playhouse Madison!

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