For the Love of Giving Back

Volunteer Spotlight: Bill Henry

As we close out volunteer month, we are highlighting our Board President Bill Henry!

Bill grew up in a small town in Vermont with a father who worked in social services.  Their family knew many people in the area from the Down syndrome community and this sparked his interest and passion is serving the Down syndrome community in the Madison area.

Through building connections in the Madison are, Bill met our Playhouse c0-founder and former Board President, Patrick Ryan. When the two first met, Patrick shared the story of GiGi’s Playhouse and Bill determined it was the perfect place for him to give back.

Bill hit the ground running with his volunteering and has been part of the Madison Playhouse board for 3 years, with the last two years being the Board President.

One of the highlights of his time in this role was the success of our 2019 Gala!  He said due to the teamwork and effort that went into the event, the incredible sponsors and donors raised a great deal money for our FREE Purposeful Programming for our amazing participants and their families!

Two things Bill wishes everyone could know about the Playhouse are:

  • The difference our programs make for our participants and families
  • The amount of effort it takes to raise money for the on-going operation of the playhouse.  We need everyone’s help!

In his free time, Bill spends time working on GiGi’s related topics, occasionally gets out for a round of golf, relaxes on weekends at his condo in the Wisconsin Dells and spends lots of time with his wife, Laurie, daughters and grand-daughter, Harper.

THANK YOU to Bill for all his leadership and for helping the Playhouse grow! We love having you as part of our team!!

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