NEW: Fall.Winter 2019 Program Guide
We are thrilled to release this newest version of our Program Guide in an easy-to-read, full-color format. I hope that you’ll enjoy all that GiGi’s Playhouse Indianapolis has to offer. Ensuring our guide is filled with GREAT programs and special events that offer something to everyone is one of our Playhouse’s goals. I’m confident we’re providing a diverse assortment of programs and services that will fit your needs.
We want this guide to excite and inspire you to get out and get active with GiGi’s Playhouse Indianapolis. Thank you to all the dedicated staff and volunteers who’ve been busy putting together our program offerings. We work hard to constantly assess our classes, programs, and Playhouse to ensure we are keeping up with new opportunities and participants expectations. We also welcome feedback and suggestions on how we can improve!
To any new friends, welcome! I look forward to seeing you soon at the Playhouse.
Denisse Jensen, Executive Director
GiGi’s Playhouse Indianapolis