Defying the Odds: Desimber’s Journey of Resilience and Community
Desimber was born with an extra 13th chromosome, which resulted in many other medical issues. She is considered nonverbal and delayed in all areas. We were told her diagnosis was not compatible with life and sent home with hospice when she was a week old. While we were prepared for the worst, luckily her story turned out differently! While Desimber has faced many challenges in her life, she is a fighter. She never gives up. She is loving, funny, sassy, and a social butterfly. She was in a Life Skills classroom throughout her school career and earned a certificate of completion. One of our proudest moments is Desimber being able to walk with her graduating class!
There are not a lot of programs that are available for adults to socialize and have fun once they leave the school setting. We are so lucky to have found GiGi’s Playhouse Indianapolis after she transitioned out of school. Desimber always looks forward to attending the various adult programs and hanging out with her friends. She truly enjoys getting out in the community with friends and is able to experience many different activities in an inclusive environment. She is always beaming with excitement and says “thank you” when we turn toward the building. GiGi’s truly is like a second family to us. We wish we would have found it sooner!
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