Bike Clinic

Program Registration: Summer ’23 Session 1 & 2

Registration for GiGi’s Playhouse Indianapolis Summer 2023 programs will open on March 1, 2023 at 8:00 AM! GPH Indy will offer a wide variety of in-person programs and don’t forget to check out our virtual programs at the Virtual Playhouse. Here are the steps to register as a participant: To...

Best of All February 2023 Issue – Cole

Back in 2015, GiGi's Playhouse Indianapolis opened their doors and Cole was one of the first participants to be welcomed! Over the course of the last 8 years, Cole has been involved in every area of our playhouse. He was originally involved in teen programs such as Fantastic Friends, Teen...

Community Connections January 2023 Issue – Cathedral High School

Did you know that GiGi's Playhouse is 99% volunteer-ran? That's right! When Cathedral High School reached out about sending 300 students out into the community during their J-term session, we were thrilled about the opportunity to host! During January, 25 students spent 4 hours volunteering at the playhouse through a...

2023 Gala Sponsorship

We are EXCITED to announce that GiGi's Playhouse Indianapolis will host its annual I Have A Voice Gala on Saturday February 18, 2023 at The Indiana Roof Ballroom in Indianapolis, IN. This year’s theme: Connect! . The gala is our largest and most important fundraiser of the year, and it’s key to...
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Best of All January 2023 Issue – Ollie

Back in 2021, Ollie's family returned to Indiana and was seeking community. Ollie was just a newborn when they heard about GiGi's Playhouse Indianapolis and they were immediately eager to join us. Ollie has been involved in a variety of programs at the playhouse such as Crawlers and Walkers, LMNOP,...
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Best of All December 2022 Issue – Amanda

Every month, we like to highlight one friend of the playhouse who gave their "Best of All". This common GiGi's phrase, "Best of All", is continual, measurable, celebrated and it never ends. It is a daily challenge to do a little better than you did the day before. Possible manifestations:...
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Community Connections Nov. 2022 Issue – The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis

Did you know that GiGi's Playhouse Indianapolis and The Children's Museum of Indianapolis have been working together since 2018 to change the way the world views Down syndrome and to send a global message of acceptance for all? 492 Volunteer Hours 5 Years 2 Organizations 1 Team   Here is...
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Program Registration: Winter/Spring ’23 Session 1 & 2

Registration for GiGi’s Playhouse Indianapolis Winter/Spring 2023 programs will open November 1, 2022, 8:00 AM! GPH Indy will offer a wide variety of in-person programs and don’t forget to check out our virtual programs at GiGi’s At Home. Here are the steps to register as a participant: To get started...

#321 Run Event Information

Event Schedule ​Saturday, September 10,2022 2:00-3:30 PM  Open Registration-Packet Pick up- Kids Carnival 4:00 PM           Dash For Down Syndrome Immediately followed by the 3.21 Run and 1 Mile Walk   Top 5 fundraising Teams by 3:30 pm on September 10,2020, will have their photo taken and...

David Harshbarger, 3.21 Run Adult Honoree

  David Harshbarger keeps his mom on the go. On any given day she may be shuttling him to GiGi’s Playhouse to volunteer in the community, to Chick-fil-A where he makes shakes and delivers orders, or to the park to hike with friends. The 25-year-old has a lot on his...

Horse Clinic at Agape!

EXCITING NEWS! GiGi's Playhouse will be partnering with Agape to host a horse clinic!     What: 2 hour long horse clinic Cost: No cost to participants thanks to OrthoIndy Time: 9:30am-11:30am followed by lunch from Chick-Fil-A from 11:30am-12pm (grilled nuggets, chips, cookie, fruit and lemonade) Date: December 17th   REGISTER...

Meet 2022 500 Festival Princess Emily Bultinck

    Emily Bultinck is a current junior at Purdue University studying biomedical engineering and a 2022 500 Festival Princess. As a 500 Festival Princess, Emily represents the 500 Festival and the missions of community engagement, development, and service. She is a 2019 graduate of Heritage Christian in Indianapolis and...