Small act of kindness makes a BIG impact! | Volunteering

I have volunteered at GiGi’s Playhouse for the past couple of years working towards my Girl Scout Gold Award. My experience volunteering has been inspiring. I spent countless hours creating literacy packets for the students in the tutoring program. I have been able to witness my simple task of creating books being put to use when I have watched students being tutored. Sometimes it seems that small acts of kindness are useless but in the bigger picture they are extremely helpful. Seeing the students in the program excited when they see new books in their baskets has shown me to never think that a small act of kindness isn’t helpful. This is why my experience volunteering was inspiring as I was able to see that just myself implementing a method for tutors to get new materials and creating literacy packets will help in the bigger picture of helping the kids at GiGi’s Playhouse to further their education.


Thank you,

Cara Johnson


Volunteers like Cara are the back bone of success at GiGi’s Playhouse! If you want to learn more please visit our online calendar and join us for our next Volunteer Orientation.  Click HERE


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