Golf “FORE” Steven Wittkowski

This year GiGi’s Playhouse was honored to be a part of the Steven Wittkowski Golf Classic. We were able to set up our booth at the first hole and were educating all the golfer’s about GiGi’s as well as see if they were able to aim their golf ball onto our banner to win some more raffle tickets. All the golfers there were incredibly accepting and understanding. They gave part of their tee time to learn more about our playhouse and Aubrey, who is one of GiGi’s Ambassadors. Aubrey went up to each group of golfers, introduced herself, and told them all about how much GiGi’s has impacted her life. Aubrey told them, “Because of people like you, we are spreading the word of acceptance for people like me.”

Not only did the golfers learn more about GiGi’s Playhouse, but we learned more about Steven Wittkowski. Each year around Steven’s birthday, which is September 2nd, his closest friends and family play a round a golf to remember Steven and the good times they had on the golf course with him. Each year his parents and brothers choose a non-profit to work with and this year GiGi’s Playhouse was on their list. All the proceeds from the event went towards GiGi’s Playhouse and we could not be more grateful for them to think of us.

Thank you to everyone who wanted to know more about GiGi’s Playhouse, thank you to those that provided donations towards our playhouse, and thank you for telling us Steven’s story and celebrating his life through one of his passions. GiGi’s hopes to be a part of Steven’s Golf Classic again next year!




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