STA Thank You!!!
Step to Accept- THANK YOU!!! To all of our amazing families, friends, supporters, and donors, THANK YOU! On Saturday, June 6th we took to our local parks, back yards and neighborhoods to support the GiGi's Playhouse mission of acceptance for all. The Fox Valley Playhouse had 13 different teams made up of over 100 people stepping for...

GiGi’s At Home “Steps” Up
GiGi’s At Home “Steps” Up When I told our site coordinator that I would take some pictures at a GiGi’s At Home program this week, I was not prepared for how much sweat was involved. I went to Step to Accept HIIT training. HIIT stands for High. Intensity. Interval. Training....

“Dinner’s At Michelle’s!”
"Dinner's At Michelle's!" Regardless of the times, food never fails to bring people together, and neither does GiGi’s Playhouse. I “attended” the GiGi’s At Home Kitchen Adult program this week and cooked with people from all across the country (what?! seriously, amazing). Class was focused on knife skills while making beef stew (it looked sooooo good). Michelle, the...

Step to Accept Frequently Asked Questions
Step To Accept FAQ's Here are answers to some of the questions we have been receiving about our Step To Accept Challenge.What is the Step to Accept Challenge? First and foremost, this is a virtual FUNDRAISER for GiGi’s Playhouse Fox Valley. With many of our 2020 fundraisers a question due...

Volunteer Spotlight- Abi, Marketing Intern
Volunteer Spotlight- Abi, Marketing and Social Media Intern Hello GiGi’s Playhouse Fox Valley! My name is Abi Bradshaw and I am so excited to join the team as the marketing and social media intern this summer! I am a sophomore at Westmont College, an itty-bitty school in the beautiful and...

Volunteer Spotlight- Ms. Emily and Steps Dancers
Volunteer Spotlight: Ms. Emily and the Steps Dancers (program leader for Dance @ Steps) Ms. Emily is a recent graduate of North Central College and has been volunteering as a program leader for GiGi's Playhouse Fox Valley for the last 5 years. Ms. Emily and her dancers have not skipped...

Volunteer Spotlight: Suraj
Volunteer Spotlight: Suraj (program leader for Crawlers & Walkers and Destination Discovery) Suraj is a medical student at Midwestern University in the Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine. He keeps busy as the President of the Student Osteopathic Medical Association, First-Year Liaison for Medical Students for Choice, class liaison for the...

Participants Best of All: ASP Buddy Theater: Lion King
Participant Best of All: Cast of ASP Buddy Theater: Lion King The participants in the A Special Place Buddy Theater partnered with GiGi’s Playhouse Fox Valley Drama Troupe and the combination was magical. All the participants had a great time learning dances, songs, memorizing lines, taking stage directions, and...

Playhouse Inspiration: Naperville Rotary After Dark and Allegra Romeoville
Playhouse Inspiration: Naperville Rotary After Dark and Allegra Romeoville Thank you Naperville Rotary After Dark for a great time making literacy materials for our FREE educational programs. Heather had way too much fun with the laminator, we all struggled with the scissors that had too much glue on them to...

Playhouse Inspiration: Menasha Corporation Foundation
Playhouse Inspiration: Menasha Corporation Thank you, Menasha Corporate Foundation, for your generous donation to GiGi’s Playhouse Fox Valley. The heart of your organization was prevalent in the thoughtfulness of the team you brought to deliver the check, the sincere questions you asked during the tour, and your interest in further...

Volunteer Spotlight- Perla and Isabel
The time has come to say good-bye and good luck to our AU interns, Perla and Isabel. They both demonstrated tremendous growth through the last 8 months. I remember Isabel on her first day, she was so excited that she went home and memorized our mission statement! Perla was so...

Community Spotlight- Maddy and Amanda
Madeline LOVES to make art, and when faced with what to do with all these art treasures Amanda looked to her community and thought, "Who's day would be brightened by Maddy's art?" She then thought of nursing homes. She contacted a nursing home and the response was overwhelming. One offer...