World Down Syndrome Day Starting New At Golf Clinic & Fun Day

Our SNAG – Starting New At Golf : Golf Clinic & Fun Day March 21, 2021 on World Down Syndrome Day was an awesome way to T-OFF our RIDE & ROLL GIGIFIT Acceptance Challenge! Great to see so many families and friends on the Course! 

We can do anything!  Golf was a success! It was a fabulous day and we had over 50 people engaged in all levels of golf, golf instruction and MOVEment

Clinic A was part of a new training pilot program and our GiGi’s Playhouse participants took their tasks seriously! Clinic B brought out so many of our families for fun, fitness & friendship! 

Did you know: Special Olympics golfer Amy Bockerstette is at the top of her game! Not only is she the first person with Down syndrome to earn an athletic college scholarship, but she became an internet sensation [PGA TOUR] when she made par on a PGA golf course with PGA champs Gary Woodland and Matt Kuchar cheering her on. Now, we are not sure if our GiGi’s Playhouse participants want to achieve the same level of expertise as Amy, but we are delighted that they have been given the opportunity to explore their own talent and refine their skills!  

Thank you to our friends at Alico Family Golf and Regis Sauger with the nonprofit host Helping God’s Babies ( ) as well as Board member and professional photographer and golf aficionado John Johnson and Occupational Therapist and Board member, Curie Cudmore for their vision to train golf pros to include and teach individuals with Down syndrome the game of golf! Regis will be contacting individuals who participated in the event and auditioned for the training video. Plus – Don’t forget EVERYONE who auditioned in Clinic A for the videos will also get free golf lessons! Arrangements are handled by Regis. He will call you soon! 

Great Partnerships: The ReUnite Program was also at this event!  We thank this is a community-based collaborative program between the Lee County Sheriff’s Office and the United Way for signing up 10 of our GiGi’s Playhouse families! If you or another family wish to participate in this identification program, please contact: or call 239 433-2000 to find out more about this service


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