It’s More Than Just a Desk.

A desk.  Actually there are two, but they are NOT just desks. 

These are TEAMWORK.  

 Yesterday, a Board member spotted these second-hand desks for sale and emailed another Board member.  They consulted others and decided they’d fill a need for space for Literacy program materials.


But…the desks were in Naples…and we are not.  And they must be delivered after 5, the same day.  

 Texts were sent to see who could be there.  A staff member can!  But they’re heavy and there’s no one to help the driver deliver them.  


Calls went out to our fabulous (& fit!) neighbors at Hyte CrossFit who help us so much with our Friends, Fun & Fitness program – they aren’t there at that time.  But wait!  A different Board member can bring her husband and kids!  AND meanwhile, one of us reached out to our GiGi’s neighbors at Refuge Church.  They happened to have a group of high school kids who’d love to help!  


 So, in the space of 3-4 hours we had found desks and had them delivered, assembled and even CLEANED!  


None of it would have been possible without the dedication of our GiGi’s Team and our growing community of GiGi’s believers around us.  Thank you to everyone that came to save the day- TOGETHER!


This is GenG in action inside and outside the Playhouse. To learn more about Generation G click HERE!


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  1. Angela on May 3, 2018 at 5:21 pm

    Thank you to all! It literally made my day to have all of our literacy stuff in one place!!! I feel official! We have a space for our tutors, student binders, and families to grow and learn! 🙌🏼

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