Meet Our Site Coordinator!

We are thrilled to introduce our Site Coordinator, Liz Quinter! We are so fortunate to have her on Team GiGi’s Playhouse here in Fort Myers. She is plugging away at the Playhouse during office hours (see our calendar on the website) and is already making a difference.  Check out her “Why GiGi’s” below:

Why GiGi’s by Liz Quinter

As any youngest sibling knows, your life is forever shaped by your older brothers and sisters.  Out of all my brothers and sisters no one influenced me more than my brother Philip. Philp was born with Down syndrome. I marveled at how, despite the challenges that came with his diagnosis, he enjoyed life to the fullest, never allowing anything to stop him. However, it wasn’t until I was an adult that I began to realize that many of the challenges my brother faced were people’s perception of Down syndrome and the lack of opportunities in the community.

When I heard I first heard about GiGi’s Playhouse I knew this would be a life changing opportunity for our community. After witnessing firsthand how the lack of opportunities and the outdated notions of how Down syndrome affects the induvial and their family, I jumped at the chance to join this amazing team.

I firmly believe in order for us to build strong, resilient communities, all members of our society must be present and included. GiGi’s Playhouse provides the platform for individuals with Down syndrome and their families to make fulfilling, meaningful contributions to the community. I am honored to be part of this.

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