
Joe’s Why

"My middle child, Benjamin, is almost five now, and has the world in front of him. I got involved in GiGis first to be a voice and advocate for my son and those with special needs. Now it is a two way street. The connection is something special." Remember GiGi's...

Mary’s Why

The beautiful Elizabeth. I was 38 when I found out prenatally that my daughter Elizabeth would have Down syndrome.     I did not have a lot of experience with individuals with Down syndrome and to be totally honest, it was my biggest fear as an older mom....

Lindsey’s Why

The wonderful Muscha family! When my daughter, Braelyn was born, one of my many google searches turned up GiGi’s Playhouse.   But the closest location was in the cities. Fast-forward a few years - I got an email from a local support group that they were...
johnson family

Teri’s Why

  Doing what the Johnson's do best, cheering on the "Sioux"! Since having our son, Blake, who has Down Syndrome, I've learned there is an unique bond between parents raising these special children.  We would be out in the community and encounter another parent with a child...

Marijo’s Why

  When my fourth son, David, was born four weeks early on Leap Day 2012, I knew our life was changed forever.  But it wasn’t until fourteen hours later that I fully understood to what extent.  Time seemed to stand still as the pediatric doctor shared her observations about our...
jake and tahnee

Tahnee’s Why

The Jake-man and I at GiGi's Walk and Fest 2016. “So, what is your connection to GiGi’s?  WHY do you work here?” As the Site Coordinator, I get asked that question a lot!  It’s a fair question and sometimes I wish I had a more inspiring response. ...

A Royal Visit At The Playhouse

  It can be a scary beginning for parents when they learn their child has Down syndrome, but Katlyn Aubitz is proof that a fairy tail awaits and a happy ending is almost certain when you embrace your child's uniqueness. Katlyn has Down syndrome. She's also a princess and published...

Generation G

For a long time, Generation X captured all the headlines. Then it was Generation Y, The Millennials. Now, it’s our turn. We’re Generation G! Generation G has nothing to do with when you were born, but rather how you want to live. We live differently by not seeing difference as...

Friendships and Fun At GiGi’s

Spring has sprung and new friendships are blooming at GiGi's Playhouse in Fargo. I can't tell you how how exciting that is to me. Let me introduce myself. My name is Jennifer. I'm a volunteer here at GiGi's Playhouse in Fargo. More importantly, I'm the mother of 3 kids. My...

World Down Syndrome Day

On most calendars, March 21st doesn’t stand out. But, here at GiGi’s Playhouse Fargo, 3/21 is special. That’s because it’s World Down Syndrome Day! Down syndrome occurs when there are 3 copies of the 21st chromosome, instead of 2. So, celebrating on the 21st day of the 3rd month just...
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Six Cuties on a Couch

  Six cuties on a couch. That’s what cameras captured at the 2 & Under Playgroup this past weekend at GiGi’s Playhouse in Fargo. This picture was taken toward the end of group. Clearly, these kids had fun. You can see it on their faces. But, there’s so much more...

So Much to be Thankful For…

It's Thanksgiving week already!  I always struggle a little with this holiday... it comes up so quickly after Halloween and it tends to get overlooked due to the excitement for Christmas.  But, I think it's very important that we at GiGi's take the time to celebrate our families and be...