Heartbeat <3 of the Playhouse
The Board of Directors would like to give a HUGE THANK YOU to Norm Davis for volunteering his time to remove the wallpaper at GiGi’s! When we asked Norm if he would remove the wallpaper, he was not only willing but was even excited to do it. We felt extremely lucky Norm was the person removing the wallpaper when he found water damage behind the paper & knew exactly what to do because of his training. Norm and his family, even stayed in the Des Moines area until the evening to meet with our landlord, as well as help move the furniture & toys out of the way. Since the damage is repaired Arsenio Vargas volunteered to help prep the walls so we can begin priming them! We are happy to say the Playhouse was able to reopen on May 6 and our muralist, Cheryl Veenstra, will begin working on our NEW Therapeutic Play Center Area which will open this summer!
If you are looking for ways to volunteer at GiGi’s please email: volunteerDSM@gigisplayhouse.org or fill out the form at: gigisplayhouse.org/desmoines/volunteer-at-des-moines!
Stop by the Playhouse on June 6 from 10-2 pm to help out!
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