GiGi’s and Waukee Schools
GiGi’s Playhouse is proud to serve more than 200 participants each month that tally more than 400 hours in programs like new family caregivers group, one-on-one tutoring and fitness classes. This helps us realize our mission to change the way the world views Down syndrome and to send a global message of acceptance for all. This is only possible by utilizing an amazing volunteer network that numbers in the hundreds.
One organization that is providing us with three tremendous volunteers this year is the Waukee Community Schools APEX (Aspiring Professional Experience) program. What is APEX?
Through a collaboration between education, business, and the community, Waukee APEX develops highly-skilled, adaptable, global innovators and leaders. The program draws on the expertise of business partners to bring real-world experience to high school. Through passion-based learning, authentic projects, and experiences, students add value to business partners while exploring career possibilities identified by economic trends within our metro area and state.
Our GiGi’s Kitchen Adult program provides that real-world experience for Lilia, Landree and Melanie. They, in turn, gain valuable experience in working with adults with Down syndrome in a structured and meaningful setting.
Recently, two advisors from the Waukee APEX program brought in a group of students to observe Lilia, Landree and Melanie in action. They also got a tour of our beautiful facility and rolled up their sleeves to take on a much-needed volunteer project – to organize and inventory our costume closet. Afterwards, they posed for a photo with GiGi’s participant Eric Myers.
Thank you, Waukee APEX, for your commitment to GiGi’s Playhouse Des Moines.