Board of Directors Spotlight

“My name is Anthony Lohse & I am happy to be a Board Member at GiGi’s Playhouse. I was so excited & honored to be asked to be included with such an important organization that provides wonderful opportunities to children & parents. To give you a little background of whom I am & what drew me to GiGi’s; I will start with my family because that is what is most important. I have a beautiful wife Heather, who I have been fortunate to be married to for 12 years. We have three incredible girls, Quinn, Zoey, and Libby. It’s probably my perspective through my career path though that is what I hope to bring to the table at GiGi’s. I started as a special education teacher both at the elementary & middle school levels for 5 years. Since then I have worked as a principal in both a middle school & a high school in eastern Iowa. We moved back to central Iowa where I am currently the middle school principal & special education director at West Central Valley Schools. Students with & without disabilities are my passion. I hope to be able to give a lot to this organization because I know how valuable a resource and support GiGi’s Playhouse is, to many families in Iowa. We are so blessed as a community to have GiGi’s! Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of this organization.”

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