A Very Special Christmas Gift
Last week, I learned that the mother of a great volunteer of ours found the perfect Christmas Gift for her daughter: a very generous donation to GiGi’s Playhouse made in her honor. After a bit of research into the many GiGi’s Programs that her daughter led, the mother and I agreed on how we would let the daughter know about the gift – in a letter from Santa. Here’s how that letter read (volunteer name and dollar amount removed):
Dear Old Friend:
How are you? I haven’t heard from you in years. I hope you haven’t forgotten about me. I certainly haven’t forgotten you.
Although you might still find a present from me under the tree this year, I am writing to tell you about another gift for you this year that I know you’ll love. Your mom has made a very generous donation to GiGi’s Playhouse Des Moines in your honor! More importantly, her gift will support a 12-week session of Health & Wellness Programs for five participants. Isn’t that beautiful?
Her generosity was inspired by your love of GiGi’s Playhouse and the many hours that you’ve spent there. Your caring and dedication to the youth and adults there means so much.
Thanks to you, the season will certainly be a brighter one at GiGi’s!
Merry Christmas!
Love, Santa
What a unique, touching and impactful way to give a gift of love!
Although it’s too late to make a Christmas gift like this, your year-end gift to GiGi’s is needed to make a great difference in the lives of the more than 200 participants that spend a collective 500 hours at GiGi’s Playhouse every month! And you can make a monthly or one-time online gift in honor of a loved one who cares about GiGi’s by going here: Des Moines Donate.
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