A Parent’s School Year Reflection…
It’s the end of May and we pause to reflect on another school year gone by. Another school year of learning, growth, IEP meetings, hard moments and incredible moments. One of our moms, Kim, shares her reflection. We have loved seeing how much Adalie has grown from August!
“Today when I got Addie off the bus, I had happy tears. Nothing like the first day of school. I kept telling her how proud I am of her. She said, “Thanks so much, Mom.” Her favorite response for everything. I thought about how scared she and I were the first day of school and how we both cried. We have both come a long way! She definitely is MY teacher. She teaches me everyday. She left that first day so scared not knowing what to expect, while I felt like the worst mother on Earth. She has grown so much this year. She has had amazing teachers, aids, bus monitors, drivers and therapists. I never used to believe this, but it truly does take a village to raise a child. I can’t say enough about inclusion. Being with typical children has made her blossom so much and I am sure she has taught all of them as well. The stuff she says and does just amazes me. She has become so much more independent since going to school. I think if there was an award for giving the most hugs, she would have won. 🙂 Her teacher said she loves to hug. I can’t wait to see what the next year holds for my Amazing Adalie. If she only changes one person that she meets to be more accepting, than we have done our job!”
Kim, thank you for sharing your heart and your Amazing Adalie with us and with the world. Not only is Addie a wonderful student, but she is such a caring big sister to Brooklyn. We know these best buds will have a fun summer together! We are excited to see what next year holds for her and all of our world changers!
Have you had a chance to reflect on the school year? What are you thankful for? We would love to read your thoughts in our comments below!
Your shirt says it all, Adalie!
Addie and her little sister, Brooklyn, are the best of friends!
educate. inspire. believe.
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