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Down Syndrome and Autism; a Dual Diagnosis

Where does autism come from? There are all kinds of conspiracy theories floating around as well as thoughts on how we can treat it, or steps we can take to avoid it.  My son has Down syndrome and autism.  I work with a community of individuals where upwards of 20%, likely more not officially diagnosed,…


Sleep Apnea Event Coming to GiGi’s Playhouse Buffalo January 16th at 6:00pm

Caregivers of children with Down syndrome must navigate medically complex care on a daily basis. The sentiment that God only gives children with Down syndrome to parents who can handle it, simply isn’t true.  In fact, some children with Down syndrome do not survive because their medical care was not addressed appropriately, whether it was…

Paulie snuggles with his grandma

Thankful Grandma

My name is Georgia Bechtold. I’m a grandmother to six beautiful grandchildren. The two oldest call me Grandma. The two middle ones call me Yayee. The one youngest calls me Mema, but the very youngest calls me Memom. I love being a grandma to all of them and always will, but my time with them…

Rose weraring a jean jacket on a sunny day

From a Mother’s Perspective

The opening of GiGi’s Playhouse in Buffalo in 2020 was a true game changer for my 12-year-old daughter, Rose .  This one organization has had an incredible impact on encouraging her developmental growth in areas of speech, literacy, math and gross motor skills as well as making meaningful friendships. Rose has a dual diagnosis of…

Down Syndrome Awareness Month

Down Syndrome Awareness Month

During this Down syndrome Awareness Month, I’d like to make you aware of a piece of legislation that is very important to those touched by Down syndrome. by Emily Mondschein, Executive Director, GiGi’s Playhouse Buffalo A Mother’s Story When I was 14 weeks into my pregnancy, I learned that my son would be born with…


Inclusion is BEST

Inclusion. It is so important and so rare for students with Down syndrome.   Why is it that one student can be fully included with all the necessary supports in place when another student of the same ability level is in a restrictive self-contained setting, lacking all the opportunities his peer is receiving up the road. …

Adults enjoying time at GiGi's Kitchen

BIG DREAMS for Adults with Down Syndrome 

One of the most popular programs we provide at GiGi’s Playhouse is called “GiGi’s Games with Friends” an adult program. This block of time is typically a full day. During this program, we deliver cooking classes, exercise classes, art, music, dance, science, one on one tutoring in speech, literacy, and math, with a strong focus…


Segregated Educational Settings Are Not Beneficial for Students with Down Syndrome

Executive Director, Emily Mondschein, was recently featured in the Buffalo News for her thoughts on inclusion for students with Down syndrome. Check out her story below. It’s Down Syndrome Awareness and Acceptance Month.  We will only be aware, understanding, and accepting of people with Down syndrome if we start including students with Down syndrome in…

A Bright Light That Is Missed

This Saturday is our GiGi’s Fitness Acceptance Challenge, and while we are very excited, the day is bittersweet.  This was the day that we lost our dear friend, Sara Rogers, 1 year ago. Like every event we’ve had this past year, we’ve felt the absence of the joy and celebration that Sara brought into the…


Inclusion of Students With Down Syndrome

After years of hard work, our Executive Director, Emily Mondschein, was invited to the nation’s capitol to discuss the inclusion of students with Down syndrome in the classroom. Mondschein has spent the past 5 years creating the first ever inclusive education guidance document for students with Down syndrome in the United States. This document was…