The Cutting Edge
December 1, 2017
We will be offering FREE tune-up Clinics with speech, PT and OT in January for families who want help with specific challenges such as attention, behavior, motor skills, eating, diet and communication, or for families who want to know if there are any new strategies that would help their child.
We are also wanting to educate families on how to prepare their child so they will be a candidate for the college programs that are now available for our children.
This is a one time offering on January 7th, 1-4 pm to access the needs of our families. Please sign up early as space is limited.
Kiddo’s aged 5 to 8 is 1 to 2:30 pm
Kiddo’s aged 9 and over 2:30 to 4 pm
Cathy Shepherd OT :: Gretchen Lehane PT :: Gail Nuse SLP