Teen-Tastic Program is Popular With Roswell Teens!

Our Roswell Playhouse is not just popular for our younger kiddos, but for our teens as well. Our Teen-Tastic program led by Lydia Wilson has experienced great success! Being a mother of a teenager herself, she had a hunch that parents and their teens would benefit from a program like this, and she was right! “Our teens want the same things that all teens want like friends, independence, new experiences and fun,” said Lydia. “We hope our events help them achieve some of these goals.”


The Teen-Tastic Program meets once a month and focuses on building social skills with friends, with or without T21, by participating in team-based activities. The events are usually based on themes like holidays and other events like Super Bowl and the Olympics which really adds to the fun.

These good times don’t just happen at GiGi’s Playhouse in Roswell, our teens have gone to My Clayground where they painted Halloween themes pottery; Sky Zone trampoline park; Main Event where the teens bowled and ate pizza; Valentines Dinner with a Magician and Chocolate Factory where they made their own candy.

With a regular crown of 10 or more, there’s no stopping what this group can do! Lydia said, “Our teens have enjoyed all the activities and social interaction, and it’s been great for the siblings to socialize with other teens that have similar life experiences. They have also acted as our peer helpers.” To add to this, she said that parents have really enjoyed coming together and comparing notes of the very new challenges and joys that the teenage years bring.

Our next few events are as follows:

May 12th – Mother’s Day Tea

June 16th – Dad’s Day at the Movies

July 1st – 4th of July Picnic

August 1st – End of Summer making a SPLASH!

Join our Teen Tastic Parents Group on Facebook to keep up to date.

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  1. Chandra Spencer on July 11, 2018 at 8:23 pm

    Hi my name is Chandra Spencer and I am interested in getting more information for my 18 yr old daughter, Alana.
    We just moved into town and I’m looking for some fun activities for her.
    Please let me know if she is able join you.

    • atlauthor on December 13, 2018 at 11:35 am

      Hi Chandra,
      Sorry for the delayed response, but we would love to have Alana get involved with GiGi’s. The Teen-Tastic program is based out of Roswell and and most of the activities are planned through the GiGi’s Playhouse Roswell Facebook page and their teen group page. We do have a couple of 18 yr old their and the meet roughly once a month. Thinks like capoeira and parties are appropriate of all ages. We have a fantastic friends program that also meets once a month in the Midtown area and is an 18+ group. We are planning out winter programs and are put on the calendar and communicated through our e-newsletter. We also have several non age specific programs like parties, Capoeira, launching Zumba in January. If there is anything specific that you would like to see, please let us know your ideas and we will attempt to create additional activities.

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