Summer News

The summer is coming to an end so lets talk about everything GiGi’s Playhouse has accomplished!

GiGi’s now has volunteers! We would like to thank everyone who has given of their time already, and those who will in the upcoming months. Please keep in mind that we always need more volunteers, so if you or someone you know would like to volunteer, don’t hesitate to email,

Our President has been in Ireland with her family all summer helping us keep GiGi’s moving from afar! We all look forward to Adrienne’s return in August. In Adrienne’s absence, Vice President Marnie Plaia has been so dedicated and involved in helping the playhouse get completed and keep everyone’s spirits high. Thank you, Marnie, for being such a vital part of GiGi’s Playhouse Atlanta.

We will be saying good-bye to a wonderful contributor to GiGi’s Playhouse development, Site-Coordinator, Camy Blincoe. Camy will be leaving for Graduate school in August. Thank you, Camy, from all the board members, families and everyone you have helped. You will be missed.

The Playhouse is nearing completion…We look forward to welcoming all the families for FREE education and therapy! Get excited!!! Our trained volunteers are looking forward to making a difference in the life of the children of our community with Down Syndrome.

Please check out our Facebook page for more information about how to get involved with GiGi’s Playhouse Atlanta. Look for upcoming events like Golf and a Sweetwater Brewery Party!

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