New Addition to our Blog:: The Cutting Edge

Gretchen Lehane PT and Cathy Shepherd OT

Welcome to the Cutting Edge. THE CUTTING EDGE is a new program we have developed here at GIGI’S Atlanta. We at GiGi’s in Atlanta want to update families on the latest treatments and information to support your child, help them develop their full potential and excel beyond cultural norms and expectations!
We will be writing about new topics each quarter which includes new college opportunities in Atlanta for our kids, new treatments for muscle weakness and posture, and new possibilities to support attention and focus. We will also explore the importance of diet, handling weight gain, and strategies for independence.
We also welcome any ideas or topics that you would like to hear about as well.

Please email us at, subject line: The Cutting Edge with questions or ideas you have an interest in and want more information.

Gretchen and Cathy

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