Introducing Darby’s Dancers

Darby’s Dancers will be performing to Megan Trainor’s catchy tune, “Better When I am Dancin’” at our Gala. Darby’s Dancers provides an opportunity for our kiddos to participate in the performing arts through dance education, and we couldn’t be more excited to see them dance on June 8! Our dancing stars include: Kamyron Johnson, Niah McGregor, Katherine Rehg, Seynia Cordner, Ruby Plaia and Faith Baker. Huge thanks to Marti Blincoe, who has lead the group for the past two years, and Mario and Angie at Daza Dance Ballroom Academy in Buckhead for giving us space to practice and choreographing this dance. Special shout out to our volunteers: Keller Battey, Joanna Lazarus, Kiersten K. Smith, Regan Muldoon and Hannah Heller.

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