GiGi’s Playhouse Atlanta hits the road!

January’s GiGi’s on the road outreach program took us to Athens, Georgia. Incredible doesn’t even begin to describe this event and the turnout. This was truly a family event with parents, siblings and even friends and grandparents attending. The volunteer therapists from Activ Kidz and Adult therapy did a great job and we are so thankful for their support. Angie lead another fantastic boot camp as always and we ended the day on a high note with music therapy. To see so many new families connect with familiar ones was enough to warm our hearts and we are hopeful that we can support Athens in their future ventures of building this community.

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  1. Terri knight on March 20, 2019 at 10:33 am

    Do you have activities in Athens for 18 plus?

    • atlauthor on March 21, 2019 at 4:41 pm

      Hi Terri,
      WE currently operate 2 playhouses the metro area, one in Midtown and one in Roswell. We did offer programming in Athens as a “GiGi’s on the Road” but that is not a regular program and it moves around the metro area. We do offer Adult programming at our Midtown location though. We offer GiGi Prep which is designed to adults that have transitioned out of the school system. Participants are admitted to this program on an application basis. As we are half way through this session, if this is a program that you are interested in , I would recommend applying for our fall session.
      We also have an adult Fantastic Friends group that meets monthly and is a more social group although we do work on communication and social skills as well as independent living skills. Our next meeting is at the Souper Jenny Westside for a tour of the Urban Garden and lunch on April 6thfrom 1 to 12:30. Our kiddos of all ages are welcome at our social events, there are other programs that have a wide variety of ages (although most are under 15).
      Our Roswell Playhouse also have an active teen program and there are several 18 yr olds that attend there activites.

      I hope that this helps and if I can answer anymore questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
      Fred Webster
      Site Coordinator
      GiGi’s Playhouse Atlanta

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