Expansion Tour

We have had so many families able to walk through the new Playhouse expansion site but we wanted ALL of our families to see the incredible progress on our new space! Painting and flooring is coming in the next two weeks and then we will begin to fill the rooms with all the GiGi’s necessities! Click our “Before” photo below for a video tour of the construction!

Click this photo for a tour of the new space!

Did you miss the Grow With Us campaign? You can help us fill the new space with items from our Wish List.

New programming will begin January of 2024 but stay tuned for our Grand Re-Opening party coming soon! We can’t wait to share our new Playhouse with all of you!

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  1. Gail Cohn on September 30, 2023 at 9:36 pm

    Wow-Gigi’s and so many wonderful programs. Gigi’s makes a positive difference in so many lives!

  2. Gail Cohn on September 30, 2023 at 9:39 pm

    I am amazed at the number of programs that Gigi’s can offer..It’s great to see the way Gigi’s has grown and providing its services to the point where they need to expand!

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