Our differences are really not so different after all!

I want to take the time to thank the Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School for exposing their 5th graders to the world of Down Syndrome. They were engaged, asked great questions, and understood the importance of respect for one another and acceptance of people that are different then themselves. They also helped the Playhouse with acts of service, cleaning and providing some great artwork for cards and notes!


Students creating artwork

We were able to discuss, what Down syndrome is and what some of the obstacles that may need to be overcome are, from a educational perspective, yet they were already attune to the more personal aspects of T21. They understood that kids are kids. That kids have different skills, interests, desires and that the pace that these are developed or learned does not really matter.
It was my privilege to be able to talk with these kids and the future for inclusion and acceptance in Atlanta is bright if these kids have their way. They left knowing that it is okay to engage those who look and sound different, that is it ok to say Hi.

As we enter Down syndrome Awareness Month, that is really all we can ask of our youngsters. That they look past the superficial and be open to a life long friend. And that starts with a simple word, Hi.

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