GiGi’s Atlanta Came Away Winners!

This past weekend, Howie, Jen, and eight board members made our way to Schaumburg, IL for the GiGi’s Annual Leadership Conference. This amazing group worked hard and played hard together and in between much laughter and dancing, we participated in sessions to increase our knowledge of event planning, fundraising, marketing, finance and more! Howie & Jen even presented at a couple sessions on events and marketing. We all left inspired and motivated to continue offering the best programs with the best volunteers for our community!

On the last day of the conference, all Playhouses gathered to be recognized for their achievements in the GiGi’s Standards of Execution. At last year’s conference, Atlanta had not scored above Baseline on any of the nine categories. This year, we received awards for being Strong on two categories; Marketing and HR/Volunteer Management!  Not only that, but at the banquet later that evening, Atlanta was named the Core Value Champion for Believe! GiGi’s Inc. stated that Atlanta “stepped outside its comfort zone and has a presumption of success……Over the last 18 months they have seen a 63% increase in programming numbers, and their volunteer hours have tripled!”

We are so honored and proud to have represented our families so well this year and have it recognized at the national level in front of all 56 Playhouses! Thank you to our supporters who stand by us and BELIEVE in us!  We could not achieve any of this without each and every one of you!

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