A Day with McAlister’s

Sometimes we experience a day that leaves us smiling for days! On October 19, we got to share such a day with the McAlister’s crew at Focus Brands. Our EPIC adult group received red carpet treatment from the very start!

We entered the “Bakingham Palace” test kitchens and not only got a tour of what a typical McAlister’s restaurant kitchen looks like, we got a full demo of how they create one of their signature dishes, the Spud Max. Each of our adults then got their own potato at a table full of toppings to create their own unique Spuds. We were joined at the table by the staff who assisted our adults with loading up their potatoes and talking about their favorite way to eat a Spud! While those baked to get all nice and melty, a demo of the McAlister’s Club was given.  Like magic, when they got back to their seats, a delicious sample of the Club was at each plate!

Next came dessert with platters of cookies and brownies (and ice cream for our GF participants.) It could not have been a better experience! Thank you, McAlister’s, for opening your space up to us!  You embodied the spirit of GiGi’s Playhouse by being accepting, being generous, and being kind!


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