GiGi’s Playhouse through the eyes of Anari vs. Mommy

GiGi’s Playhouse: Two Perspectives

When Anari hears that she is going to GiGi’s she thinks of playing dress-up, and playing in the kitchen and house area with her friends (Social Skills). She thinks of playing with paint and shaving cream, rolling Playdoh; tearing paper, and pulling apart cotton (Fine Motor skills). She thinks of sitting and rolling on big balls, running and jumping at Piedmont (when weather permits), walking on beams, climbing stairs, riding gliders, and throwing water balloons, balls, and objects at specific targets (Gross Motor skills). She thinks of singing songs and reading stories (Speech and Language skills). She thinks of playing at different stations (Skill Builders). I can’t convince the child that she is NOT just playing but she is LEARNING!!!

However, when mommy thinks of GiGi’s Playhouse, she thinks of a Playhouse of therapy. A Playhouse where children receive therapy in fun and unrecognizable ways.  In Boot Camp, she receives therapy on balance, coordination, and muscle tone. In Skill Builders, she works on building and sustaining her attention span, transitioning, and social and academic skills needed for school.  In Handwriting Without Tears, she learns the correct formation of letters and numbers via strengthening her small muscles. The list goes on and on. But the most important thing that mommy thinks of when she thinks of GiGi’S Playhouse is the opportunity that it provides both Anari in reaching her goals and mommy’s goals of her becoming a model, motivational speaker, teacher, lawyer, judge, or a Nobel Prize recipient.

GiGi’s Playhouse sees her potential and dreams big with me.

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