Please be sure to tune in to 11ALIVE this Sunday November the 6th at 12 Noon to see Adrienne Mulligan, our GiGi’s Playhouse Atlanta President, and celebrity Jamal Anderson promote GiGi’s Playhouse Atlanta on THE CHAT ROOM!

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Team Zachary 4

GiGiFIT Acceptance Challenge Top 10 Team Spotlight: Team Zachary: Spreading Joy, Positivity, and Inclusion

At GiGi’s Playhouse Atlanta, every team has a story—one filled with love, determination, and inspiration. Team Zachary is no exception. Our journey at GiGi’s is...

GiGiFIT Acceptance Challenge Team Spotlight: Ellie’s Unit

At GiGi’s Playhouse Atlanta, our community thrives because of incredible families like those behind Ellie's Unit. This team is participating in our upcoming 5K, the...
Norah family

GiGiFIT Acceptance Challenge Team Spotlight: Norah’s Narwhals: Celebrating Love, Inclusion, and Strength

The GiGiFIT Acceptance Challenge is a physical and social MOVEment for acceptance! Our goal is to globally unite 1 million supporters of the Down syndrome...

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