What is Purposeful Programming?

At GiGi’s Playhouse all our programs are FREE, therapeutic and purposeful.  We know what free and therapeutic is but what exactly is purposeful when we talk about programming? Per the Oxford dictionary, purposeful is doing something with intention. When you enter the Playhouse and see our Language, Music, N’ Our Peeps (LMNOP) group sitting in a circle blowing bubbles, it may appear like they are just having fun, but they are actually learning and experiencing therapy in disguise at the same time. Circle time prepares participants for the next step in entering a school setting and following directions while blowing bubbles assists with imitation skills and facilitating vocal/verbal development.

Whether working on social skills, motor skills, speech and language, reading, math, computers or just simple peer interaction, it is all purposeful fun!  Along with the development of new skills comes self-esteem- the most important element to Playhouse programs. Self-esteem is formed not only in the child with Down syndrome, but in the family members as well. 

With our early learner and kid programs family members are encouraged to attend alongside their loved one with Down syndrome. Why? Because the intention is that everyone learns together and continues the learning at home.  Unlike early learner and kid programs our teen and adult programs do not have family members attend. It is all about empowering independence and let’s face it at that age parents are really not that cool.  This practice is purposeful in itself.

Other examples include:

In Kids Club participants are given 3 future program themes to choose from. The purpose is to create group discussion and decision making among participants as they are bound to be differences among the group. This carries over to the school environment.

In GiGi’s Kitchen participants learn proper storage of food and kitchen equipment. Research shows that individuals with Down syndrome tend to be “visual learners” so we purposely put labels throughout the kitchen that include the word and item.

Whether you are a parent wanting support in your loved ones development or a community member interested in helping us offer this fun yet purposeful programming, stop in sometime to learn more!

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