Kyrie’s love for GiGi’s Virtual Playhouse Programs

In the digital embrace of GiGi’s Virtual Playhouse (VPH), Kyrie’s story unfolds as a testament to the profound impact of connection and inclusivity. Since September 2023, Kyrie has become a dedicated participant in VPH programs, immersing herself multiple times a week for five enriching months. 

Kyrie’s virtual journey is marked by joyful encounters – from spirited games of “I Spy” to engaging discussions about healthy snacks, faraway places, and the sheer joy of yoga sessions. Each moment is a celebration of inclusivity and shared experiences, proving that connection knows no bounds. 

For Kyrie’s family, GiGi’s VPH is more than just virtual programs. It’s a community where social gatherings and new friendships flourish. The impact extends beyond the digital screen, creating a sense of belonging that resonates in their everyday lives. 

Kyrie’s story mirrors the collective experience of many in GiGi’s Virtual Playhouse. The diverse programs cater to various interests, creating a tapestry of shared moments, laughter, and learning. It’s about more than just programming; it’s about the connections and love that transcend physical barriers. 

Kyrie’s journey at GiGi’s Virtual Playhouse showcases the transformative power of connection and inclusivity. Kyrie’s commitment is unwavering – she attends all programs! This simple yet profound dedication reflects the inclusivity and versatility of VPH offerings, ensuring something for everyone, regardless of interests or abilities.  

As we celebrate Kyrie’s experiences and achievements, we also celebrate a growing community that thrives on shared moments and connections!  


Our Down to Dance Leader; Mariyah

We are so grateful for our partnership with the University of Florida and their Down to Dance program! Our participants absolutely love this program and learn so much from the incredible leaders like Mariyah. Mariyah currently volunteers and serves as the President of Down to Dance, an organization at the University of Florida that has…

Glynis 3

Introducing Enrollment Program Leaders

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Our Program and Volunteer Coordinators

We are pleased to announce that we have two experienced Program and Volunteer Coordinators who will be serving our Virtual Playhouse community this fall. Claire We welcome Claire back to our team after family leave! Clare grew up in Minnesota where she earned her degree in Early Childhood Development with a minor in Psychology. Claire’s…

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