June Volunteer Spotlight
Meet Chloe Prewitt Chloe joined GiGi's Playhouse Tampa in October 2020 and immediately began helping out wherever she could. In January, she began helping and co-leading LMNOP, our program for kids ages newborn to 36 months. Chloe is a huge asset to the playhouse and to the lives that she...

Meet Our Programs – Destination Discovery
Destination Discovery – Geared toward individuals of all ages, this program supports the development of fine motor skills, gross motor skills, social skills and language through purposeful play and peer to peer interaction in a casual and fun setting. This program also brings families together to share experiences and build...

Meet Our Programs – Leaps & Bounds
Leaps & Bounds –Recommended for children ages 3-5 years old, this program will help promote social, emotional, large and small muscle group development. Children will participate in fun and engaging activities that require movement and interaction with their environment. The goals of this program are: Increase fine motor skills, including...

May Volunteer Spotlight
Meet Kaytlan Rouse Kaytlan joined GiGi's Playhouse Tampa in January 2021 as an intern. Immediately, she began jumping in and getting involved wherever she could. Kaytlan has been involved in a lot of behind the scenes projects during her time here, and has done everything from clean the playhouse to create beautiful projects...

Meet Our Programs – Fantastic Friends
Fantastic Friends – A fun night out to facilitate social interactions between adults with Down syndrome, their peers and the community. Supports the development of social skills and language through peer to peer interaction in a casual and fun setting. All adults welcome from ages 18 and up. Increase social...

Meet our Programs – LMNOP
What is LMNOP? We’re glad you asked! LMNOP is our signature Language Music and Our Peeps Program. Designed for children ages newborn to 36 months, LMNOP is an interactive and engaging program designed to guide parents and young children, through learning basic sign language and other forms of communication using...

April Volunteer Spotlight
Meet Danielle Wanek Danielle joined GiGi's Playhouse Tampa in December of 2020, and became interested in our LMNOP Program. She now leads our Wednesday morning program with the assistance of several other wonderful volunteers. Danielle does and amazing job, is a great leader, and she is always a pleasure to be...

April Advocacy Monthly
IEP and 504 Plans, What’s the Difference? The laws regarding education of students with special needs is entrenched in terminology that is often confusing and sometimes bizarre, as is often the case between the terms IEP and 504 plan. In many ways, an IEP and a 504 plan have the...

March Volunteer Spotlight
Meet Carol Chamberlain From the minute she walked in the door of our playhouse, we knew Carol Chamberlain was going to be a wonderful volunteer. Carol is organized, responsive and thoughtful. Her gentle demeanor and experience as an educator make her a perfect Leaps and Bounds co-leader. She jumped into the position a...

February Volunteer Spotlight
Meet Maria Liparulo Maria is one of our newest program leaders. She joined us in the fall of 2020 as a Leaps and Bounds Co-leader, and right from the start we knew she was amazing! Maria brings her interactive teaching style, sense of humor and culinary skills to every Leaps and Bounds session. Our...

Advocacy Monthly – IDEA and Child Find by Ed Spinks
IDEA & Child Find Individuals with Disabilities Act of 2004 (IDEA) is a Federal Law that provides for the right to education and protections for children with disabilities and their families. The The primary purposes of IDEA are: To provide a free appropriate public education (FAPE) to children with disabilities....

January Volunteer Spotlight
Meet Melissa Giblin Melissa Giblin is one of our amazing LMNOP Program Leaders. She has been with the Tampa Playhouse since it opened over two years ago. In that time, Melissa has provided support to countless babies and their families. She is a hardworking, organized and loyal volunteer, and most recently has...