100 Days of Acceptance | 321 Days of Acceptance

Have you been following along of Facebook the past 100 Days? On World Down Syndrome Day, March 21st, 2017, GiGi’s Playhouse Down Syndrome Achievement Centers launched “321 Days of Acceptance”, a pioneering social media campaign introducing the world to somebody with Down syndrome every single day for 321 straight days. In addition to the visual introduction, social media fans and followers learn something about each person’s life, and see how similar people with Down syndrome are to their peers. June 28th 2017 is Day 100 of the campaign, and 321 Days of Acceptance has officially reach more than one million people on social media – a life changing milestone!

Today the amazing Aubrey from Hugs & Mugs is featured as the 100th person shared! Take a peek at what she has to say to us!



GiGi’s Playhouse Syracuse is so proud to be a part of this mission! Several of our local friends have been featured in the campaign and we look forward to seeing more! We need your help!

Be sure to check in each morning on Facebook to meet a new friend and find out what makes them unique and wonderful. Then share with your friends and family on soical media. Help us grow acceptance & the Generation G lifestyle.

To view all participants featured in the campaign please visit HERE.

If you would would like to see your loved one who rocks ther extra chromosome in the 321 Days of Acceptance campaign please email Heather at hrodriguez@gigisplayhouse.org for more information.

GiGi's Playhouse Syracuse



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