Gratitude, in the Hard
Welcome back to the GiGi’s Blog, Beth Craver! We are so thankful for her story telling talents and how she always brings a great insight. This month she is sharing about gratitude.

In the world of special needs, it is easy to get bogged down by woes and worries. It is a hard life. Between health scares, a sometimes cruel world, and the comparison to typical children, it is clear why one might be inclined to throw themself a pity party.
But in my experience, everything hard is worth it, and there are many gifts in a life rich with challenges.
In my humble opinion, I am so grateful for what a life with Down syndrome has taught me that I’m not sure I would pluck that extra chromosome from Judah if I had the chance. Sure it would make his life easier, and I would LOVE to know what goes on in his beautiful brain, but there really is so much to be grateful for.
For every time we need to head to the doctor, there is a heavenly nurse who loves on our child with abandon.
For every hardship with academics, there are teachers modifying and differentiating so that Judah can access the information.
For every long day on vacation pushing Judah in his chair, there are theme parks that know that we need to go first because Judah doesn’t understand waiting.
For every ignorant human who uses the ‘r-word’, there are social media accounts dedicated to the beauty of differences.
For every difficulty people with Down syndrome have getting a job, there are families creating their businesses to make space in the world for the people they love.
For every typical activity and sport that Judah cannot participate in, there are people like GiGi’s Playhouse Down Syndrome Achievement Centers offering free programming and a community that gets it.
For every mega-meltdown, there is Judah’s magnificent morning giggle that steals my heart every time.
For every time Judah elopes, and I must chase him down the road, there are a million sweet kisses and hugs that he hands out happily.
For every time I get jumped on and feel like Judah will break my back, he matches my morning downward dog on the yoga mat.
And for every time I misunderstand his needs, we can connect with no words at all.
Gratitude is not the absence of hard. It is treating troubles as a blip and actively seeking out the good in your life. When you do this, you train your brain to seek out more. Gratitude is a choice, and life with Judah makes it an easy one.
Thank you Beth, sharing! If you would like to share a story please visit the #MyDsStory page and submit today. We believe that everyone has a story to tell and your is important. This is one way we can change the way people view Down syndrome and we can not wait to feature yours!
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