Navigating Your Child’s IEP In Today’s World
As our country adjusts to a new way of life, public school districts across the nation must prepare to do their part as well. Now more than ever, it is important that individuals with special learning needs have access to appropriate educational materials and up to date plans to minimize academic, physical, emotional, and social regression. Attorneys, trustees, and financial advisors are vital resources to families as they face these and other challenges. As trusted advisors, they should proactively help parents address these issues with their local school districts, with the help of an education consultant if necessary.
During the ongoing spread of Covid-19, the federal government is making recommendations and leaving the decision process of educational programs to each individual state’s Department of Education for mandates and rulings during this time of crisis. It is imperative that families with children receiving special education services know what their home state’s current requirements are for the implementation of educational programs during this uncertain time.
This session is brought to us by National Care Advisors and is full of great information to guide and empower you. You can watch, listen, and download these powerful tools at a time that best fits your schedule.
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