Meet the Syracuse Board – Jason Ryan
We are continuing our Board of Managers introduction today with Jason Ryan. Jason is the Marketing Director at Dinosaur BBQ and is a valuable part of the GiGi’s leadership team. Since joining the board Jason has shared his energy, creativity, passion for acceptance for all, and much more! We asked Jason a few questions about his role and his part in serving at GiGi’s Playhouse Syracuse.
How and when did you first get involved with GiGi’s Playhouse Syracuse?
- I first got involved with GiGi’s Playhouse about 2 years ago through donations to the annual Gala from Dinosaur Bar-B-Que. After learning just a little about the organization I wanted to know more, so I reached out to Heather and went in for the volunteer orientation!
What does GiGi’s Syracuse mean to you?
- GiGi’s means a lot to me. My aunt has Down syndrome and has lived with my parents for the last 26 years. Growing up she was more like a sister to me doing everything together. As I got older I realized more what Down syndrome was. My family and I have always volunteered and hosted events for our local ARC. When I moved to Syracuse I knew I wanted to keep helping and GiGi’s was the perfect fit.
What does your role on the Board look like?
- My primary role on the board is to help with marketing. How to raise awareness for what GiGi’s does for individuals with Down syndrome and help raise money for this not for profit to be able to help even more people.
What is your favorite thing about the GiGi’s community?
- Acceptance for all! Treating and giving opportunities to people with Down syndrome that others take for granted. #GenerationG
What does Down syndrome awareness and acceptance look like to you?
- Being able to give a voice and opportunity to an amazing group of people. It’s amazing how the littlest things people a smile on their face and mean so much to them!
What from our community are you most proud of?
- Currently, I am most proud of the GiGi’s community to adapt. A pandemic is not easy for anyone, but for people who are typically use to a routine, it is even more challenging. GiGi’s being able to transition so much online and open programs up to an even wider audience has been amazing to be a part of! GiGi’s At Home has made a huge difference!
What do you look forward to happening at GiGi’s Playhouse Syracuse?
- I look forward to expanding both the playhouse and the programs we provide as well as educating more people on the importance of places like GiGi’s and the value they bring to our community.
Thank you Jason for sharing your talents and time to support our free purposeful programs and spread the mission of acceptance for all right here in Syracuse!
If you are reading this and would like to learn more about being a part of the GiGi’s Playhouse Team, we invite you to visit our volunteer information page. You can also RSVP for a virtual Volunteer orientation on February 2nd, this virtual event will introduce you to the many volunteer needs available while sharing our history and impact in the communities we serve. Please feel free to contact us with any questions. (315)288-PLAY or