The Importance of Swim Lessons

It is very important for all of us to have swim lessons and people with Down syndrome are no different. Please read the following email that I received after announcing our partnership with Catch the Wave Swim Club.
Hey Paula,

When I was young boy I took swimming lessons at our local YMCA. The instruction sheet said to bring a bar of soap, that floats.
Well, we knew that would be Ivory soap, but could never figure out the reasoning. Imagine, swimmers and soap, floating around in the same pool. Pretty ridiculous.

What is not ridiculous is Low Tone, and it is many times overlooked and underestimated. As far as children with Down syndrome go, they may appear normal to the average person, and may even be taken for granted in this regard by us in the know.

When my grandson, Louis, was two years old he nearly drowned in a friends pool, and he was in my arms at the time. I was holding him in waist deep water when another child tugged at me from the deeper end of the pool.
My feet slipped on the pool bottom and we quickly moved on the downward slope of the pool floor into the deep end. Louis did not have a vest or floating device on, after all we were just standing waist deep. He slipped from my secure grip and I can still feel the lack of control as his little arms went up and he fell through my arms. I swam under water and pushed his body up, twice, I can see him looking at me as yet. Finally I flipped him up onto the concrete apron. I was completely exhausted, Louis was alive, OK. There were no other adults around to help, or even call for help. Another huge mistake on my part.

Each child’s strengths and weaknesses are different. All caring for a child with Down syndrome should know them. Encourage good nutrition and muscular development through various therapies and activities. Low Tone can be addressed and overcome.

Rockford Community, and all parents, grandparents etc, take advantage of this unique offering of swimming lessons.
Learning to swim is a fun experience, great exercise and a terrific esteem builder, no matter the age. Immersion in water, in itself, is a cause for celebration, and provides a sense of freedom and independence.

Get your person with Down syndrome a new bathing suit, Catch The Wave and sign up today! And I personally guarantee, you won’t need any floating soap.

Richard Reilly

The Grandparent Connection

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  1. Troy Stoffregen on December 1, 2016 at 7:59 pm

    This is a great article thank you so much for sharing. To all parents of children with any type of special needs, allow your children the opportunity to experience the water. You will be amazed at what they will be able to do. My name is Troy Stoffregen I am the owner of Catch the Wave Swim Club in South Beloit IL. Catch The Wave has the best program around for children with special needs. Catch the Wave offers a free lesson for all children with no obligation or strings attached. check us out on line and see what some of our kids are capable of doing.

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