An Attitude of Gratitude

A new year is just around the corner. While we look ahead to our hopes and dreams for 2023, we would be remiss if we did not also look back and reflect on what has brought us to where we are now.  At GiGi’s Playhouse Rockford, we are both grateful for… and acutely aware of… the fantastic community that has steadfastly stood by us, bolstering our mission and championing our message of “Acceptance for All.” Throughout the past year, we have been blown away by the incredible warmth, generosity, and spirit of acceptance that our community partners have shown toward our participants and their families.

Acceptance can come in many forms, all vital to achieving our mission at the Playhouse. This year, we have been lucky enough to witness so many outstanding examples of acceptance in action at the Playhouse and in the Greater Rockford area. From volunteer commitments to special projects to consistent fundraising efforts that result in donations big and small, we feel awareness and acceptance growing each day. As ALL funding for the Playhouse comes via grants, sponsorships, and private or corporate donations, we depend on and appreciate these efforts more than we can say.

It is truly remarkable to be a part of so many community partnerships that give their time, energy, and resources to create hope for a better, stronger future for our participants. Each fundraiser, donation, sponsorship or volunteer hour reminds us of our participants’ true potential as they experience growth and inspire change in our community and beyond. We know, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that we could not exist and do the work we do without the combined efforts of our donors, sponsors and volunteers.  THANK YOU FOR BELIEVING IN US!

Karen Carlson, Executive Director



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