Everyone’s Shoes Can Be Filled

I've been part of Rockford, Illinois' GiGi's Playhouse board before it was even a board.  Six years ago we were a group of parents, grandparents, and community members sitting around a table who all had one thing in common--a desire to help a loved one with Down syndrome. Looking back,...

GiGi U is making an impact

Our GiGi U program has been running strong for one year. Erin Hickman, our GiGi U Coordinator, has been working hard to insure that our students are growing and getting ready for the "real" world. Enjoy a writing from one of our GiGi U students, Dylan. "My name is Dylan...

Celebrating Generation G

"i have a Voice" Gala-March 18, 2017 With the launch of #generationG on 3/21.16 (World Down Syndrome Day) by our national office, we embarked on a campaign which helped us communicate better what our mission at GiGi's is all about. It is more than a campaign, it is a mindset....

I’m home!!!

This is about Gerry, who had Math and Literacy tutoring sessions back to back at the Playhouse. This is what Gerry's mom wrote on the tutoring evaluation forms. Gerry has improved enormously in this tutoring session!  He can count independently up to 40.  His recognition of the numbers 1-20 is...

GiGi’s and My Community

I love wearing anything with GiGi's name on it and people always stop me to ask if I work there. Yesterday, while voting, one of the volunteers asked me how I knew about GiGi's. When I told her I worked there, she told me she knows one of our families...

A Few Words from a GiGi’s Mom

When Kendall was unexpectedly born with Down syndrome, saying we were lost would be an understatement. The hospital was of very little help to us during our time of questions, fear, and anxiety. Thank goodness we were introduced to another local GiGi’s mom (Julie Gustafson) by phone before we even...

Five Instructional Strategies for Children with Down syndrome

Children with Down syndrome are capable learners who are excited and eager to learn. They just need to be given the opportunity to excel. They may learn at a slower pace, but are more than capable of learning. They are strong visual learners. This means that they understand what they...

Penny’s Blog

5 1/2 years!  Time sure flies when you are having fun! So many memories...long journey...still a long way to go...day by day.  So much unknown but I am loving this GiGi's journey. If I had to pick one memory so far from the Playhouse, it would be the memory of...

International Exchange students are introduced to GiGi’s

Speaking from personal experience, I can say it is a great  to host an international exchange student. I have had five students live with my family from any where from 4 months to 1.5 years. You learn so much from having them living in your home. I never new that...

A Community Filled with HOPE

Last weekend was our Playhouse’s magical gala. This gala is a representation of what a community is all about. First, let me give you the definition of what community means: a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common; a feeling of fellowship...

Bigger. Better. Stronger Together

I love to visit schools to present to them the opportunity to open their hearts and minds and fall in love with GiGi's Playhouse Rockford. This past November, i was invited to speak at one our participant's, Khali, school. It is a grade school for 4th and 5th graders. I...

GiGi’s Tutoring is Helping by Leaps & Bounds

Here is a letter we received at our Playhouse this past week. We love it when our parents tell us how our programs our affecting their child's progress at school.  With the help of GiGi's Playhouse Rockford and their tutors (Sel and Shannon), Cayden made high honor roll at school (Willobrook Middle School). He...