It is a breath of fresh air to be so involved with an organization that makes the conscious decision to be better everyday.

We would be lost with out our volunteers! Hannah was eager to jump in and assist with any task and playhouse needs. She was a warm welcome, excited to see friends and meet new families. Read about what this summer volunteer role meant to her!

I volunteer at GiGi’s because the people, the growth, and the environment.  It is a breath of fresh air to be so involved with an organization that makes the conscious decision to be better everyday.  Seeing participants grow in confidence, knowledge, social development, and so much more is inspiring to say the least.  GiGi’s is proof that with the right attitude, support, confidence, and faith- ANYTHING is possible.  My internship at GiGi’s this Summer has been nothing short of empowering and I look forward to seeing the positive impact GiGi’s & our participants will continue to make in our current and future community.

  • Hannah McClaughtery


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