not unlike a caterpillar becoming a butterfly

Volunteering at GiGi’s Playhouse has been a godsend to me. Each and every time, I witness what I would call a small miracle of some sort. For an individual child or adult, the sum total of these small miracles results in a true metamorphosis, not unlike a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. Thank you, GiGi’s Playhouse!

GiGis playhouse Raleigh is amazed by the community support, those who are volunteering, giving their time to make a difference in the lives of our individuals. There is a perfect volunteer role for anyone who is ready to volunteer! We are inspired by individuals like our volunteers who find reward in making a difference. Thank you to all volunteers, we COULD NOT do what we do without you.


If you are interested in volunteering, our next orientation is Sunday, May 21st at 2:00 PM. You can sign up here:

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