Archive for March 2017
What does GiGis mean to me, Joy!
When asked “What does being a volunteer at GiGi’s Playhouse mean to me?” my response has to be “Joy”. If I were to create a visual representation of this, it would be a photo collage. Framed in the middle would be an image of a toddler laughing as she participates in the LMNOP program. A…
Read MoreMusic is indeed FUNdamental!
The sheer joy on the faces of each Kindermusik kid reflects the joy I feel in my heart every time I share music with my GiGi’s families. One of my Favorite songs is Magic Moments, and that aptly describes what happens when I, Mom, Nana or loving caregiver connect with their child through music. Music…
Read MoreThe GiGi’s community is a family of love and support
When we received a prenatal diagnosis that Dylan would have Down syndrome we were scared and had no clue where to start for support outside of our medical network. We lived in Minneapolis at the time and had received a “Welcome Basket” when Dylan was born, which provided a brochure about GiGi’s Playhouse and were…
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