Volunteers Spotlight – JDC 2023

Thank the 55 volunteers that helped out at the John Deere Classic this summer. This was the best year yet for volunteer coverage at this event. Many thanks to Blackhawk Bank & Trust, Corteva, and Rockridge Bus Barn for allowing staff to volunteer and/or bringing a group to volunteer. We couldn’t have done it without you! There were 283 volunteer hours logged during the week!

Rockridge Crew

Thank you to everyone for helping! We hope you enjoyed the weather and watching some golf too! See you next year!

Volunteers Needed! Are you interested in getting involved here at GiGi’s Playhouse Quad Cites?

This fall we are in need of the following volunteer roles:

  • Tutors (One hour a week beginning the week of September 4th and ending early December)
  • GiGi Prep Leaders & Assistants (Tuesdays & Thursdays from 1-5 pm for 8 weeks beginning Sept 5th)
  • GiGiFIT Leaders & Assistants (Saturdays at 9am beginning September 16th and ending early December)
  • Program Assistants for our teen and adult programs (2nd & 4th Fridays from 6-8 pm)
  • Program Leader & Assistants for Art Explosion & Destination Discovery (days and times vary)

Contact the Playhouse to learn more about a specific role!

309-762-7529 or volunteerquadcities@gigisplayhouse.org

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