Volunteer Spotlight – Jami

This month we would like to recognize Jami as our Volunteer Spotlight! This summer was the first time Jami volunteered at the Playhouse. She volunteered as a tutor for three lucky students and she tutored in math and literacy. She is a Title 1 reading teacher at Erie Elementary in Erie, IL and is working on a masters in reading through Western Illinois University.  She has one class remaining to become a K-12 reading specialist. We asked Jami to answer a few questions about her experience here at the Playhouse.

How did you hear about GiGi’s Playhouse?

I first heard about GiGi’s through my coworker Joy, when she spread the word about joining a fundraising team for her granddaughter, Zoey, at the annual 5K event.  I first heard about the tutoring program from another coworker, Kathy.

Why did you choose GiGi’s as a place to volunteer?

I was looking for a place to volunteer where I could use my expertise and passion for reading and math instruction.  GiGi’s just seemed like a natural fit!

What has your experience been here at the Playhouse?

This experience has been unbelievably rewarding.  On a professional level, I learned new strategies and methods to help reach the needs of all kids.  On a personal level, I got to meet some amazing kids and families.


What do you want others to know about volunteering at the Playhouse?

There are many more opportunities to volunteer at the Playhouse than I could have imagined.  I’m convinced there is something that appeals to everyone’s skills, hobbies, and experiences.  They work with your schedule, and make it easy to volunteer. 

Tell us about your favorite moment/experience while volunteering. 

My favorite moments were the ones where I got to play and laugh with the kids I worked with this summer.  Telling jokes with Christian, jumping frogs with Gavin, and busting out my best dance moves with Mila provided lots of laughs and fun!


If you would like to know more about volunteering at the Playhouse visit www.gigisplayhouse.org/quadcities.


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  1. Sue Swegle on September 8, 2017 at 11:10 am

    Our family loved Ms. Jami! Thanks so much for volunteering and we hope to see you next summer again if not before!

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