Volunteering in 2021

Hello and Happy New Year!

Volunteering in 2020 looked a lot different due to COVID-19! Opportunities were limited and we know some of you are waiting until things become more stable. We appreciate all of you wherever you are in your journey of volunteering with us. In 2021, we know things will still look different but we hope to transition to in-person as soon as we can. In the meantime, we are forging ahead with virtual programming but we need some help with that too!

As of right now, we are focusing on filling a few specific volunteer roles to help us start the year strong. This includes some virtual opportunities.

Volunteer Roles

Volunteer Coordinator

This role takes a commitment of approximately 2 hours a week. They will respond to new volunteer interest applications, facilitate the monthly volunteer orientation sessions, follow up with new volunteers to answer questions, and ensure they have the information they need. This is done with staff guidance and training is provided. Currently, orientations are being held virtually.

Virtual Program Facilitator

This role is a commitment of approximately 2 hours a week. Sometimes more, sometimes less depending on the program schedule. This person will be responsible for overseeing the virtual aspects of programs, greeting the leader and the participants, monitoring chat, etc. Training will be provided. This will mostly be done virtually but there may be some opportunity to do this from the Playhouse depending on if the program is completely virtual or hybrid.

Board Members

The Playhouse is overseen by a group of volunteers serving as a board of managers. The board of managers meets monthly, is responsible for fundraising, serving on committees, and making decisions related to the Playhouse operations.

Host Families (Attention Parents!)

Each program offered should have a GiGi Family as a host family. Is there a program you LOVE attending or an age group that you’d like to be more in touch with? We’d love to have you as a program host. This simply means welcoming the families to the program especially new families! This helps ensure that we have one family in attendance at all times. Parents, this is a perfect way for you to get more involved! Additional information and training will be provided. Currently, programs are being held virtually but we would still like to have hosts.


Once we transition back to in-person programming, greeters will be needed to meet everyone at the door to greet volunteers and families. This person will help families get signed in, do the COVID pre-screening, and help answer any questions. This role is a commitment of 1-2 hours a month or week depending on which program(s) you would like to attend. Additional information and training will be provided.


We are still in need of tutors for the spring literacy and math tutoring session. You can help change the lives of individuals with Down syndrome by working with them on their literacy and math skills. No experience is necessary. We provide the training. Sessions are being held virtually and in-person. You can choose the method and we will schedule around your availability. See more about tutoring on our website (links below)! Tutoring takes a commitment of 1 hour per week for 15 weeks.

Literacy Tutoring

Math Tutoring

If you’re interested in learning more about any of the above please contact Pam at plynch@gigisplahouse.org or RSVP to attend the info session listed below. 

Upcoming Volunteer Orientations & Training

Volunteer Orientation (virtual) – January 9th at 8 am

New Volunteers will learn more about GiGi’s Playhouse, Down syndrome, and the various volunteer opportunities available.

Math Tutor Training (virtual)  – January 12th at 7 pm

National training for new or returning math tutors. This training will go over the ins and outs of tutoring virtually and using online resources for in-person sessions.

Literacy Tutor Training (virtual) – January 13th at 7 pm

National training for new or returning literacy tutors. This training will go over the ins and outs of tutoring virtually and using online resources for in-person sessions.

Tutor Talk (virtual) – January 21st at 5:30 pm

All tutors (new and experienced) matched with students for the spring 2021 session are invited to join us for a night of questions and answers as a follow up to the training materials previously provided. We will discuss virtual, in-person, behavior modification, and more.

Leader/Coordinator Info Session (virtual) – January 26th at 5:30 pm

Join us for an informational session about becoming more involved here at GiGi’s. This session is for anyone interested in learning more about the specific roles mentioned above (Program Leader, Volunteer Coordinator, Host Family, Etc.).

Visit the calendar located here to RSVP for any of the above orientations and trainings. 

If you’re a new volunteer and have not completed the Volunteer Interest Form, it can be seen by using the “Become A Volunteer” button at the bottom of this page. Click here.

Thank you all for your continuing support and generosity with your time and talents!

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