Volunteer Spotlight

Please help us welcome Estefani to the Playhouse. She is a new volunteer but has put in many hours over the past few weeks. She has done everything from cleaning and organizing to preparing mailings and making copies. Anything we have asked her to do she has done with a smile on her face! She has been a huge help!

Estefani is from Moline and is currently attending NIU with a major of Pre-Physical Therapy. We asked her the following questions and as you can see she seems to have enjoyed her time here at the Playhouse.

How did you hear about GiGi’s Playhouse?

I was looking for places to volunteer during winter break and came across GiGi’s Playhouse online.

Why did you choose GiGi’s as a place to volunteer and are you volunteering for a specific reason?

I choose to volunteer hear because I have always wanted to know more about GiGi’s and I enjoy working with children. I am part of the Huskie Service Scholars at NIU which is a volunteer/community service group.

What has your experience been here at the Playhouse?

My experience here at the Playhouse has been good! I’ve enjoyed working and helping Jenn and Pam.

What do you want others to know about volunteering at the Playhouse?

The Playhouse is such a positive environment and everyone is so nice here.

Tell us about your favorite moment/experience while volunteering. 

My favorite moment at the Playhouse so far would have to be making and putting together books for the kids.

Estefani has returned to school but we hope she will come back to the Playhouse when she is home again. Thank you Estefani for all your help!

If you would like to know more about volunteering at the Playhouse visit www.gigisplayhouse.org/quadcities. The current Volunteer News that features the volunteer spotlight, volunteer opportunities and more can be seen on the website under the volunteer tab.


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