3 Cs – Concert, Collaboration, Community

Last fall, we shared the exciting news that we had won a free concert with the Laurie Berkner Band. (Thanks to our friend and supporter Megan Hancock for nominating us.) See the video announcement here.

That concert is just around the corner. The private concert for GiGi’s families and friends will be held on July 11, 2017. Seating begins at 5:30 pm and the concert will begin at 6 pm. Bring your picnic meal, friends and family, and your lawn chairs or blankets and settle in for an exciting night of singing and dancing with Laurie and the band. Please RSVP so we know how many to expect.

“Some fans bring cigarette lighters to concerts . . . At Laurie Berkner concerts, her fans bring stuffed animals and put them on their heads . …Families pack her concerts.”  The New York Times

The concert is being held on the Deere-Wiman House Lawn in Moline, IL. This is where the collaboration begins. We needed a place to hold our concert and knowing that the Butterworth Center & Deere-Wiman House holds annual Music on the Lawn concerts for child care providers and the public we reached out to them to see if this was something we could work on together. They were thrilled to know Laurie Berkner was coming to the area and immediately contacted her to see about having her for their July Music on the Lawn performances. So, while Laurie will be performing for GiGi’s families and friends on Tuesday evening she will also be performing for child care providers Wednesday morning and afternoon and the public Wednesday evening. We are grateful that the Butterworth Center & Deere-Wiman House is allowing us to use their lawn and other equipment for our private concert and that Laurie was available and willing to stay to perform for others in the community.

If you’re a family that attends GiGi’s Playhouse programming that has a loved one with Down syndrome, you can RSVP to attend the concert on our website calendar. You are welcome to invite a few family members and friends to join you. We have free Laurie Berkner Band CDs for the first 25 families to RSVP. Child care providers and other community members, please visit the Butterworth Center & Deere-Wiman House website for additional information regarding their concerts.

Not sure why we’re so excited to have Laurie and the band coming?

Check out her website and Facebook page to find out more. While she is a well-known children’s performer she is truly entertaining for people of all ages.

“Her music is distinctive because it speaks to kids without talking down to them, charming youngsters without boring grown-ups.”  The Wall St. Journal

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