“It was refreshing!”

A new math one-on-one tutor has been very excited and nervous about working with his first participant. Knowing she was only 3 was also exciting and nerve-racking. After watching all the tutoring, many emails with the coordinator, and lots of preparation, it was time for this Palmer student to have his first session.

My friends, it went great!!!

While there may have been some pushback when not getting the reward for work fast enough (once or twice), both the tutor and participant shared lots of laughter, had fun while learning/teaching, and enjoyed the session.

The young student taught the tutor some sign language, the young tutor taught the student early math skills.

When asked how he felt about the session after, the tutor stated, “it was so refreshing, especially after sitting in lectures all day long.”

Many of us should have that fun and purposeful thing to look forward to after a day at work or school (unless you are like me and this IS my work 😊).

Tutoring or general volunteering at GiGi’s playhouse can give you that feeling of refreshment in a world where we have acceptance for all, and the fun is just part of our purpose.

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