The Season of Thanks

It’s November! Beyond it being a month of long, holiday weekends, turkey with all the trimmings, and the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade, it’s a time for giving thanks. As such, many people observe November as National Gratitude Month, each day expressing gratitude for something good in life. Gratitude is so much more than simply saying, “thank you”, but rather an action; gratitude is about not only recognizing, but appreciating all the good. This shift in perspective provides various health benefits, such as decreased stress, lower blood pressure, and happier relationships. But, what does this actually look like?

How does one put gratitude into action?

  • Volunteer at a hospital or retirement community. Grateful for your health? What better way to demonstrate your gratitude for being as strong as Popeye than volunteering for those who may be ill or frail.
  • Host a party or gathering of your close friends. Are you fortunate to have a strong support system of dear friends in your life? Why not let them know how much you appreciate them by hosting a dinner or cocktail party for them.
  • Write it down. There is something very powerful about the act of putting pen to paper. Try to get into the habit each day of listing a few things for which you are grateful.
  • You’ve Got Mail. In this age of email and social media, receiving a card or letter in the mail seems like a novelty. (Which is perhaps why we love getting something in the mail besides bills!) Did someone give you a nice gift? Have a baby or experience another milestone? Rather than simply taking to social media to say thank you or congratulations, put a card in the mail. The personal touch will mean so much more than another post on a FaceBook wall.
  • Just say it. Don’t assume that people know how you feel; instead, let them know specifically how much you appreciated the compliment they gave you, or enjoyed the birthday gift.

Admittedly, this is easier said than done, especially this time of year. While the holiday season certainly should be a time of gratitude and joy, the stress of traveling, hosting holiday events, year-end projects at the office, and buying gifts can often have the adverse effect, leaving us feeling stressed, anxious…but, wait! All the more reason to practice gratitude in our daily lives! (Studies have shown that it only takes 28 days to create a habit; you will be in the habit of daily gratitude before the holiday season is even over.)

Here at GiGi’s Playhouse NYC, we have a great deal for which to be grateful. Every day, we get the joy of coming to work and providing services and resources to bright, creative individuals and their families. We get to work in the really cool, diverse neighborhood of Harlem. We get to know that we’re making a positive impact on New York City. And, we get to be surrounded by dedicated board members and volunteers. On behalf of GiGi’s Playhouse NYC, our gratitude to you, our families, our supporters, our volunteers, our community, is unparalleled. We could not do what we do without you. To show our gratitude, we held a Donor Appreciation Event to recognize our founders, board members, and historical supporters, and we will be hosting a Volunteer Appreciation Event in the coming weeks to recognize our band of dedicated, hardworking volunteers. Additionally, we are creating an Associate Board, which will tasked with coming up with even more creative ways in which GiGi’s Playhouse NYC can spread the love!

On behalf of GiGi’s Playhouse NYC, thank you for being a vital part of our community, and may you all have a Happy Thanksgiving.

In Gratitude,

Victoria Nadal, Executive Director

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